Dear Dr. Yusri.
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We are "Twinkle "group from 2BTMM.
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Wednesday 4 December 2013

UPS package tracking system

What are the inputs,processing,and outputs of UPS’s package tracking systems?

The input of a package tracking system include package information,customer signature,pick up delivery,time card data,current location and billing and customer clearance documentation.The processing is the customer services representatives with the desktop computer that linked to the central computers.Package tracking information is then transmitted to UPS’s computer network for storage and processing inUPS’s main compters in Mahwah,New Jersey and Alpharetta,Georgia.
From there,the information can be accessed world wide to provide proof of delivery to the customers or to respond to customer queries.

Data also recognized so that they can be tracked by customer account ,data driver and other criteria.The output of a package tracking system included pick up and delivery times,location andpackage recipient.It can also include various report such as summary reports to the management.

Besides that,customers who are shipping package can access the UPS wedsite to track packages,check deliveryroots,calculate shipping rates,determine time in transit and schedule a pick up.Business also can use the wedsite to arrange UPS shipments and for billing the accounts.

What technologies are used by UPS?How are these strategies related to UPS’s business strategy?

As we know that,UPS has spent billions of dollar into many technology and system to improve customer service while maintaining the cost of operation low and streamlining its overall operation.Since 1985,UPS began to improve their data networking applicants.They built up their IT network and database in order to collect and track over 200 elements for every single package.These technologies includes handheld computers(DIAD),scanning system,wireless network,large mainframe computers and many other pieces of software such as tracking package,calculating the fees of package,maintaining the customer accounts and managing logistics.These bring a lot of convience to customers and therefore give customers the best services.By using these technologies in long run will bring the company higher revenue.

Strategic business objectives do UPS ‘s information system address?

The strategic business objectives do UPS”s information system is focuses on introducing efficiency in performance.Besides that,UPS also provide high level of customer services.UPS spends more than $1 billion each year to mauntain and streamlining its overall operations.UPS use special software to create the most efficient delivery route for each driver that consider traffic,weather condition and the location of each state.UPS always using lower cost because they keep their promise with provide “best service and lowest rates”.

In addition,based on operational excellence is UPS has maintained leadership in small package delivery service despite stiff competition from FedEx and U.S portal system by investing heavily in advanced information system and technology.UPS also provide new product,service and business models.UPS established new web based post sale order management system and that manage global service orders and inventory for critical parts of fulfillment determines the most optimal routing strategy to meet customer needs,place order lines and track part from warehouse to the end of user.UPS also provide customer and supplier intimacy its serving customer raises revenue and profit.

Besides that,they provide better communication with supplier lower costs.UPS improved decision making its more accurate dataleads to better decisions.UPS gain a competitive advantage is leveraging its decades of expertise managing its own global delivery network to manage logistic and supply chain activities for other companies.The supply chain solutuin divison provide a complete bundle of standardized services to subscribing companies at a fraction of what it would costs to build their own systems and infrastructure.

What would happen if UPS’s information systems were not available?

If UPS’s information system were not available then UPS company won’t very efficiency.Moreover,customer unable to ask their require by internet if the information system technology were not available.Then UPS would as it has through most of its history attempt to provide that information to its customer but at a higher prices.From the customer perspective,these technologies provide value because they help customers complete their tasks more efficiently.This is because we know that the information system solve is to keep the level of services high yet bring the costs and prices down to compete with other competitors.If these systems were not available then UPS will not be able to compete with others and it will not become the largest package deliver company as what it is today.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Welcome To Twinkle : About Us

Welcome To Twinkle : About Us:

Hello! We are from 2BTMM ,studies in UTeM and Our group named Twinkle not twinkle twinkle little star.It is special for us.All the case study is about Management Information System.

Ethical and Social Issues in Information System

Why do cell phone manufacturers (Apple, Google, and BlackBerry) want to track where their customers go?

They want to track where their customers go because they need to collect customer data for advertising and marketing purposes. Besides, manufacturers can know what customers needs and wants by tracking where and what places they go. 
By knowing all these aspects, manufacturer can create products that suit for customers to use. Next, manufacturer can also send advertisement, coupons and flash bargains based on where the consumer are located.
 By using the tracking system, manufacturer not just track the location of customers, they also can promote their product and services in the right time and right place. The good time of promoting may prevent customer from switching to other competitors and yet company can gain extra revenue.

Do you think cell phone customers should be able to turn tracking off? Should customers be informed when they are being tracked? Why or why not?

In our opinion, cell phone customers should not able to turn tracking off. This is because nowadays the technology is too high for normal people to control. Even normal tracking like Facebook tracking system can be off, customer cannot run away from the tracking of NSA and GPS. The microchips inside the phone allow NSA to tracked to location of the phone and also will reveal customers’ location. NSA can also track the position of customer even the phone has been switched off.

Next, the customers should be informed that they are being tracked. This is because their privacy has been expose to outsider and yet there are laws and regulation that protect customers privacy to prevent their personal privacy from being exploit by manufacturers. Besides, customers should be respected by manufacturers. So, there is a need of informing customer that they are being tracked.

Do you think cell phone tracking is a violation of a person’s privacy?

In our opinion, cell phone tracking is indeed a kind invasion of privacy. It just like your located location has been exploited by others. As tracking where does a person gone to is officially considers that his or her privacy has been revealing. It is violation of a person’s privacy when the person movement is getting spy. Therefore, the person might not have any privacy due to the tracking of manufacturers.

DST system scores with Scrum and Application lifecycle management

what were some of the problems with DST systems' old software development environment?
Some of the problem with DST Systems’ old software development environment is the managers unable to easily determine how resources were being allocated, which of their employees were working on certain projects, and the status of specific assets. 

DST System struggled to update its important product, AWD, in a timely fashion which the time schedule was to release a new version once every two years, but the competitors were releasing the version faster. The DST System traditional “waterfall” method in software development which the progression flows sequentially from one step to the next like a waterfall, with each step unable to start until the previous step has been completed.

how did Scrum development help solve some of those problems?

Scrum development which is a framework for agile software development in which projects progress via a series of iterations called sprints. Scrum supported by a ScrumMaster and a product owner. The ScrumMaster acts as a coach for the team while product owner represents the business, customers or users in guiding the team toward building the right product. The Scrum development helps in accelerate the development cycle for DST Automated Work Distributor, business process management and workflow software that's been around for nearly 20 years. 

Financial services companies use AWD to process financial transactions. Healthcare organizations use it to process insurance claims. It's a mature, sophisticated product with lots of features. To remain competitive, we needed to speed things up. The team members need to have seven key factors to make the Scrum development effectively.

 The seven key factors are common purpose which get everyone at the same pages, commitment that do what’s necessary to get the job done, establish trust, understand the process by master the tools and processes before coding begin, communications make knowledge and information share constantly, having adequate resources and last is leadership which ensure leaders are in place to make technical or business decisions.

what other adjustments did DST make to use Scrum more effectively in its software projects? what people, organization, and technology issues had to be addressed?

CollabNet is a developer of software development and application lifecycle management tools. CollabNet specializes in software designed to work well with agile software development methods such as Scrum. So what I think from the article is DST adapted Collabnet's subversion product to help with the management control of changes to project documents, programs, and other information stored as computer files. 

Application lifecycle management environments, which previously were focused on version control, now offer all of these social elements in a single, integrated hub or platform. These capabilities combine to enable a social community that can self-direct and deliver robust products, as open source environments like GitHub have proven. The idea of communities is based on the strong heritage of CollabNet in the open source community. Software development happens within the context of a team. The team must interact constantly not only with each other but with the code. Social coding requires the ability to provide collaborative authoring, using tools like wikis that are tied to specific artifacts, to the code. SourceForge and GitHub, are migrating to the enterprise market, as companies recognize that even their internal projects can be managed as self-directed open source efforts.

Software must provide facilities or capabilities to users, enabling them to achieve the specified organizational objectives. Nevertheless, the inappropriate specification of requirements is still considered one of the reasons for the failure of software development projects. Good requirements are only assured by the right combination of three dimensions: people, organization and technology. People that have a good attitude like concentrate while doing their job, have enough technical skills to handle all the projects and tools is important for a company to continue release a new version of software system .

Organization issues include organizational structure which existence of unit(s)/structure(s) designed to provide oversight and alignment of first-year efforts, integration will degree the organizational structure results in an integrated approach that crosses division/unit lines , evaluation will degree evaluation results have been used to improve organizational structure performance and resource allocation consistent financial resources to support organizational oversight. Technology is important to create new software and improve the software that already exists. Technology can be used for good, but with new developments come new challenges issues. The digital divide is one such issue, one that people are actively trying to overcome.


What systems are described here? What valuable information do they provide?

The systems are described here is based on clustered Dell servers running Windows 2003 and connected to over 270 Windows XP clients. The database management system , used as the backbone of the Sybase Adaptive server, whereas clients use SQL Anywhere. The valuable information do they provide are sent the branches data through replication to server and aggregated to create the most updated database version, and then sent back to the branches.

What value did the IT/IS investments add to Albassami?

The value has added that the system allowed a better audit on all drivers behavior by using the output of the vehicles tracking information. Proper performance monitoring resulted in adequate employees appraisals and consequently loyal staff.

 How did implementing the Shipping Information System address the business needs and information requirements of Albassami?

The shipping information system implement at Albassami maintains all the sender information such as the sent car, the truck number, the sender and receiving branches , and it also sends an SMS to client acknowledging the arrival of the car. The system also records the client’s data , and holds maintence information. Besides that, the system also enables standard reports to provide to top management and head sectors about the productivity of each branch , resulting in accurate identification of needs for different regions and thus proper budget allocation.


Assess the people, organization and technology issues for using social media to engage with customers.

To most people, social media are ways to keep in touch with friends and to let them know what they are doing. For companies of all shapes and sizes, however, social media like Facebook and Twitter have become powerful tools for engaging customer. Location based-businesses like gourmet food trucks can tweet their location to loyal followers and fans. Appointment-based businesses can easily tweet or post cancellations and unexpected openings. Larger companies run sweepstakes and promotions. And companies of all sizes have an opportunity to shape the perception of their brands and to solidify relationships with their customers. Peoples or employee use social media for either internally and externally.
Organizations use social media to engage customer and other stakeholders to help shapes the conversation around their product, service and brand. Besides that, Aim for single-contact resolution it means try to respond and fix the customer’s issues through social media, rather than moving it to a phone or email conversation. This provides a better customer experience overall in the communication format that customer prefers. If the issue can’t be resolved in 140 characters, direct message them details for contacting your company by email or phone.
Last but not least, be proactive when there are company-wide issues is means If websites go down or there are product recalls, reach out to your community with status updates before the complaints come rolling in. Let followers know what the problem is and that you’re actively trying to fix it. Lastly, create a social media policy for your company to Designates official spokespersons within your company who respond to comments and questions. Train these spokespersons in appropriate web etiquette, response times, and procedures.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media for advertising, branch building, market research and customer service?

The advantages of using social media for advertising is can control is in your hands with self-service ads. Self-service ads are not like online displays ads. Instead, they consist of an image, brief copy, a headline and a link. Other than that using social media we can target audience for advertising. Besides that, they can set a budget that works. Set a daily budget that that are comfortable with and remember that can adjust budget at any time. In branch building, it uses social media conversation themselves as the product or service. The site allows groups divided in categories like customer, experts and communities give feedback to larger brands. Social media can help to grow business in many ways, using social media for market research is to collect data to determine awareness, data analysis to size up the competitors and customer sentiment. By using social media can benchmark campaigns and strategies to gain powerful insights into a competitor strategies, strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Social media monitoring gives real-time access to opinions, data that dates back and analysis of conversation.

The disadvantages of using social media for advertising it is a negative feedback. While it's beneficial for businesses to get feedback from their customers, social media makes the feedback public. If a customer has a bad experience with your brand, he may be compelled to share the experience on your social network profile. As a business owner, you have to be prepared to handle negative feedback immediately, before it ruins your brand's reputation. One of the unique weaknesses of social media research is the lack of individualized demographic and geographic data. This means we must find new and different ways to learn about the unique characteristics of people talking about brands. Inferred demographics and qualitative psychographics are just some of the solutions. The lack of demographics also means that we must find new ways of sampling and weighting our results, such as using website sources, to ensure that results are properly generalized to external populations.

Should all companies use Facebook and Twitter for customer service? Why or why not? What kinds of companies are best suited to use these platforms?

Facebook and Twitter has become a very popular forum for customers to express themselves.  As a result, you’re given an opportunity to help customers solve their problems in real-time, before they go elsewhere looking for help. Companies use Facebook and Twitter as a customer service platform is new. But since then, many of the world’s top brands have started to adopt the practice. As more consumers turn to social media to get help, it’s important that businesses open the lines of communication. Depending on the volume, it could be worth creating a separate support handle, although it’s not necessary. Social media is changing customer service, and will continue to do so. Make sure that your company is ready to adapt. This is why any business like big or small should consider advertising on Facebook and Twitter. It is a great opportunity for a company to make online sales, get a following around the brand, create a platform where customer can discuss the product and, when done successfully, let people spread the word about your qualities. A large part of companies potential customers are there. Therefore, my opinion, all companies should have a Facebook and Twitter page where they can interact with their customers. No other advertising channel, at least where you can communicate, can compete with those numbers.   

Facebook is synonymous with social media–and given its sheer size, it certainly has clout. But again, it’s important to remember your business goal here. Its sweet spot is consumer-facing small businesses that are interested in building a community of customers that are loyal to the business and want to share their experiences with friends and family. Facebook provides a great forum to keep customers informed, and make them part of the conversation surrounding business decisions: a new menu item, discounts, new product to sell, etc.–and can also boost loyalty. In this way, Twitter can be a good choice for you as well. But the use of Twitter should not be limited to just listening; it also provides an incredible platform to create a dialogue with customers and prospective customers. For example, if your business is having a sale, you could tweet out links to coupons, enticing both new and existing customers.     

Interactive session : technology : customer relationship management head to the cloud

What types of companies are most likely to adopt cloud based CRM software services? Why? What companies might not well suited for this type of software?

Types of companies which are most likely to adopt cloud-based ERP and CRM software services will be companies that want to cut IT staff cost. With CRM and ERP, a business can be up and running with the software quickly which less need for in-house IT staff or high levels of technical skills, and things like security and upgrades are looked after by the vendor. This is because the difference between cloud and on-premise is that cloud-computing makes your software an operational expense rather than a capital spend. There’s usually little or no financial outlay in terms of hardware and IT infrastructure, and you pay a monthly fee to use the product, which is based on the number of users you have. Some businesses prefer a capital spend and to ‘own’ the software. Others prefer an operational cost, as with the cloud. For cloud-based applications, you also need a reliable internet connection, and in some sectors there can be issues with the geography in which the data is actually held. Many mainstream business software vendors are working to transfer their traditional on-premise applications in to the cloud. From a technical point of view, it is not as straightforward as it may first appear. Once it has achieved, the results are arguably superior to applications that have been developed as purely cloud-based applications. 

Next, companies which might not be well-suited for this type of software are those companies from small to middle-sized companies. These companies have senior finance professionals and they concern about security and the lack of information and understanding about cloud technology which are the main reasons for organizations are staying away from cloud ERP. For the vast majority of businesses, modern commercial cloud applications provide exceptionally high levels of security, including data protection and back-up, and are usually more secure than the majority of on-premise applications

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud based enterprise applications?
Advantages of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing offers numerous advantages both to end users and businesses of all sizes. The obvious huge advantage is that you no more have to support the infrastructure or have the knowledge necessary to develop and maintain the infrastructure, development environment or application, as were things up until recently. The burden has been lifted and someone else is taking care of all that. Business are now able to focus on their core business by outsourcing all the hassle of IT infrastructure.
Cost Efficiency
This is the biggest advantage of cloud computing, achieved by the elimination of the investment in stand-alone software or servers. By leveraging cloud’s capabilities, companies can save on licensing fees and at the same time eliminate overhead charges such as the cost of data storage, software updates, management etc.
The cloud is in general available at much cheaper rates than traditional approaches and can significantly lower the overall IT expenses. At the same time, convenient and scalable charging models have emerged (such as one-time-payment and pay-as-you-go), making the cloud even more attractive.
If you want to get more technical and analytical, cloud computing delivers a better cash flow by eliminating the capital expense (CAPEX) associated with developing and maintaining the server infrastructure.
Convenience and continuous availability
Public clouds offer services that are available wherever the end user might be located. This approach enables easy access to information and accommodates the needs of users in different time zones and geographic locations. As a side benefit, collaboration booms since it is now easier than ever to access, view and modify shared documents and files.
Moreover, service uptime is in most cases guaranteed, providing in that way continuous availability of resources. The various cloud vendors typically use multiple servers for maximum redundancy. In case of system failure, alternative instances are automatically spawned on other machines.
Backup and Recovery
The process of backing up and recovering data is simplified since those now reside on the cloud and not on a physical device. The various cloud providers offer reliable and flexible backup/recovery solutions. In some cases, the cloud itself is used solely as a backup repository of the data located in local computers.
Cloud is environmentally friendly
The cloud is in general more efficient than the typical IT infrastructure and It takes fewer resources to compute, thus saving energy. For example, when servers are not used, the infrastructure normally scales down, freeing up resources and consuming less power. At any moment, only the resources that are truly needed are consumed by the system.
Resiliency and Redundancy
A cloud deployment is usually built on a robust architecture thus providing resiliency and redundancy to its users. The cloud offers automatic failover between hardware platforms out of the box, while disaster recovery services are also often included.
Scalability and Performance
Scalability is a built-in feature for cloud deployments. Cloud instances are deployed automatically only when needed and as a result, you pay only for the applications and data storage you need. Hand in hand, also comes elasticity, since clouds can be scaled to meet your changing IT system demands.
Regarding performance, the systems utilize distributed architectures which offer excellent speed of computations. Again, it is the provider’s responsibility to ensure that your services run on cutting edge machinery. Instances can be added instantly for improved performance and customers have access to the total resources of the cloud’s core hardware via their dashboards.
Quick deployment and ease of integration
A cloud system can be up and running in a very short period, making quick deployment a key benefit. On the same aspect, the introduction of a new user in the system happens instantaneously, eliminating waiting periods.
Furthermore, software integration occurs automatically and organically in cloud installations. A business is allowed to choose the services and applications that best suit their preferences, while there is minimum effort in customizing and integrating those applications.
Increased Storage Capacity
The cloud can accommodate and store much more data compared to a personal computer and in a way offers almost unlimited storage capacity. It eliminates worries about running out of storage space and at the same time It spares businesses the need to upgrade their computer hardware, further reducing the overall IT cost.
Device Diversity and Location Independence
Cloud computing services can be accessed via a plethora of electronic devices that are able to have access to the internet. These devices include not only the traditional PCs, but also smartphones, tablets etc. With the cloud, the “Bring your own device” (BYOD) policy can be easily adopted, permitting employees to bring personally owned mobile devices to their workplace.
An end-user might decide not only which device to use, but also where to access the service from. There is no limitation of place and medium. We can access our applications and data anywhere in the world, making this method very attractive to people. Cloud computing is in that way especially appealing to international companies as it offers the flexibility for its employees to access company files wherever they are.

Smaller learning curve
Cloud applications usually entail smaller learning curves since people are quietly used to them. Users find it easier to adopt them and come up to speed much faster. Main examples of this are applications like GMail and Google Docs.
Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
As made clear from the above, cloud computing is a tool that offers enormous benefits to its adopters. However, being a tool, it also comes with its set of problems and inefficiencies. Let’s address the most significant ones.
Security and privacy in the Cloud
Security is the biggest concern when it comes to cloud computing. By leveraging a remote cloud based infrastructure, a company essentially gives away private data and information, things that might be sensitive and confidential. It is then up to the cloud service provider to manage, protect and retain them, thus the provider’s reliability is very critical. A company’s existence might be put in jeopardy, so all possible alternatives should be explored before a decision. On the same note, even end users might feel uncomfortable surrendering their data to a third party.
Similarly, privacy in the cloud is another huge issue. Companies and users have to trust their cloud service vendors that they will protect their data from unauthorized users. The various stories of data loss and password leakage in the media does not help to reassure some of the most concerned users.
Dependency and vendor lock-in
One of the major disadvantages of cloud computing is the implicit dependency on the provider. This is what the industry calls “vendor lock-in” since it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to migrate from a provider once you have rolled with him. If a user wishes to switch to some other provider, then it can be really painful and cumbersome to transfer huge data from the old provider to the new one. This is another reason why you should carefully and thoroughly contemplate all options when picking a vendor.
Technical Difficulties and Downtime
Certainly the smaller business will enjoy not having to deal with the daily technical issues and will prefer handing those to an established IT company, however you should keep in mind that all systems might face dysfunctions from time to time. Outage and downtime is possible even to the best cloud service providers, as the past has shown.
Additionally, you should remember that the whole setup is dependent on internet access, thus any network or connectivity problems will render the setup useless. As a minor detail, also keep in mind that it might take several minutes for the cloud to detect a server fault and launch a new instance from an image snapshot.
Limited control and flexibility
Since the applications and services run on remote, third party virtual environments, companies and users have limited control over the function and execution of the hardware and software. Moreover, since remote software is being used, it usually lacks the features of an application running locally.
Increased Vulnerability
Related to the security and privacy mentioned before, note that cloud based solutions are exposed on the public internet and are thus a more vulnerable target for malicious users and hackers. Nothing on the Internet is completely secure and even the biggest players suffer from serious attacks and security breaches. Due to the interdependency of the system, If there is a compromise one one of the machines that data is stored, there might be a leakage of personal information to the world.

 What people, organization and technology issues should be addressed in deciding whether to use a conventional CRM system versus a cloud based version?

Risk assessment it is hard to assess the risk when the company does not own the infrastructure that support ERM and CRM system.
Dependability: companies using cloud based CRM and ERP solution might become dependent of their providers since they do not store the data and might not be able easily export. It to another system to require.
Human resource optimization: while traditional ERP and CRM solutions demand for technical staff cloud based solution allow to optimize HR to focus on operation
Security: using the web as infrastructure, cloud-based ERP and CRM solution have difficulties in offering security-comfort to companies that on sensible data
Available due to web-failure tolerant model, cloud based ERP and CRM solution suffer from availability issue that might cause business operation failures